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Kampala Uganda Reports emerging indicate that William Ruto grabbed a prime parcel of land in Kayunga Uganda, the same place where he went to campaign for Museveni.
Local residents told POLITICA Uganda that during his visit, Ruto made impromptu stopovers in various stations purportedly to sell Museveni but his agenda was different.

Charles Tabora, a local denizen narrated to our pressman that area residents have already suspected Museveni’s hand in the heist because his government is mum on the same.

“We have heard that the man loves land more after God and that he does not want to see any empty land even if it is children playfield. He can do whatever it takes to own it but we would like to remind him that this is Uganda where we mean business unlike Kenya where raiyas chicken out because of teargas” Said Tabora, a short, bearded, heavily accented man who when talking to us, accelerated with emotional temperatures due to pain and disgust.

“Today we have boycotted Museveni’s rally and as you can see, not even 20 people attended it except for those few women who sell fish around and were ordered to move close. We shall not go to sleep until we redeem our land that has been grabbed by this Kenyan land baron. Museveni and his ‘land addict’ can go to hell for all we care. We will teach that Kenyan man that Ugandans are like the rock that is right in the bottom of the deep ocean and does not fear rain” Explained Mr. Joseph.

“We have already seen some dark tiny fellows like those ones that run and win races for Kenya. We have been informed by a Kenyan student here in Uganda that they are from his Kalenjin tribe and that they work for him in his company. They were trying to fence this public property, – can you imagine that? So, this man was not here for campaigns after all? He was here as an illegal private developer? Now we know but we shall not allow that” Added Mr. Tabora.

Meanwhile, we are yet to get in touch with our Kenyan counterparts so as to demystify factual details gyrating around this saga.

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